Do Most Slip and Fall Cases Settle Out of Court?

Do Most Slip and Fall Cases Settle Out of Court?
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If you were injured in a slip and fall accident, a Minnesota slip and fall attorney can help you figure out your legal rights and options. Ultimately, your case could go in one of two directions: settling out of court or going to trial. Many factors will influence whether your slip and fall claim settles or not. No matter which direction it takes, the skilled slip and fall lawyers at Sieben Polk P.A. can handle your case from start to finish. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

Do Slip and Fall Cases Usually Settle Out of Court?

Property owners have a duty to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition for lawful visitors. When they fail to address dangerous conditions on their property, visitors may slip, trip, or fall, often leading to serious injuries

If you were injured in a slip and fall accident, you may be entitled to legal compensation for things like medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and more. Securing this compensation usually requires filing a claim with the at-fault property owner’s insurer. 

Further, most personal injury cases, including those involving slip and fall accidents, settle out of court. A settlement is simply a contract in which disputing parties agree on the amount of compensation an injury victim will accept from the at-fault party in exchange for dropping their right to seek compensation in court.

Why Do Most Slip and Fall Cases Settle Out of Court?

One reason is that many slip and fall victims simply accept the first settlement offer they receive from the insurance company involved in their case without even attempting to negotiate. Why? It may be that many folks are simply unaware of their right to negotiate. It may also be that they feel a sense of urgency to receive their compensation sooner than later, especially if their accident leaves them struggling financially. 

Additionally, many people are simply overwhelmed by the burden of dealing with insurance companies, particularly while they focus on recovering from their injuries. When dealing with this kind of stress, many jump the gun because they would rather get past the aftermath of their accident quickly than spend time and energy fighting for fair compensation. 

No matter their reason for settling early, folks often leave money on the table by accepting an insurer’s first settlement offer. Insurance adjusters are employed to save their companies money, and they prefer to deny claims altogether. When this is not possible, they try to diminish the value of the slip and fall claims they receive, especially when they know the claimant has not yet consulted with an attorney. 

Insurance companies also have other motivations for trying to settle quickly. For example, going to court can be costly. For them, it is only worth it if they believe they have a good chance of winning. If a slip and fall case is supported by compelling evidence that clearly demonstrates a negligent property owner’s liability, their insurer may feel that reaching a settlement as soon as possible is their safest bet. 

Ultimately, securing a fair slip and fall settlement is more likely when victims are represented by an experienced slip and fall lawyer. An attorney at Sieben Polk P.A. can investigate the circumstances of your case, gather all available evidence, and negotiate on your behalf for a higher settlement that reflects the true extent and severity of your injuries. 

Important Consideration in Minnesota Slip and Fall Lawsuits

Slip and fall lawsuits normally wade into the territory of premises liability. Therefore, it is important to work with an attorney who has a strong understanding of how premises liability works in Minnesota.

Slip and Fall Attorneys in Eagan, Minnesota

There is no guarantee that your slip and fall case will settle out of court. However, filing a claim with the help of a slip and fall lawyer can greatly improve your chances of achieving a favorable slip and fall settlement. 

At Sieben Polk P.A., we strive to obtain full and fair compensation for our clients when they are injured at little to no fault of their own. In many cases, this can be achieved through settlement negotiations, but it’s sometimes necessary to bring cases to court to fight for the compensation you are entitled to. 

Our law firm is nationally recognized and locally rooted. If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident in Minnesota, you can count on Sieben Polk P.A. to deliver the excellent legal counsel and representation you deserve. We offer free consultations, and you pay nothing unless we secure compensation on your behalf. Contact us using our online form or give us a call today at (651) 437-3148.

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