Common Household Asbestos Products

Despite common belief, some United States manufacturers still use asbestos, and household asbestos products are quite common in the home and garage. Accidental asbestos exposure could be dangerous. You could be eligible for compensation if you’ve been exposed to household asbestos products and developed mesothelioma or another asbestos-related illness in Minnesota. Talk to the experienced team at Sieben Polk P.A. to determine your legal options.

older man sitting on bed looking sad

Asbestos exposure can lead to mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the peritoneum and lungs that can be fatal. Although the toxic effects of asbestos exposure are well-known, you can still find the material in household products such as makeup, construction products, and automotive parts. The consequences of long-term or regular asbestos exposure can be serious. 

Don’t waste any time if you think your exposure to asbestos products around the house or garage has led to mesothelioma or another asbestos-related illness. Contact the experienced lawyers at Sieben Polk P.A. We can determine your eligibility for compensation and discuss your legal options.

Do Products Still Contain Asbestos?

Yes, some household products still contain asbestos. 

Until the 1970s, manufacturers frequently used asbestos in their products because of the material’s strength and resistance to fire and heat. Since then, manufacturers finally accepted that asbestos was causing lung damage and cancer, and they significantly decreased its use and applications. 

The Environmental Protection Agency has imposed numerous regulations to minimize asbestos exposure. Unfortunately, these regulations haven’t entirely stopped asbestos products from reaching the general public. Many United States-based companies import materials from countries that continue to mine for asbestos.

Today, most companies know asbestos is hazardous and avoid using it, but products made with talc can still contain naturally occurring asbestos. Other goods, such as automotive, heatproof, or fire-resistant products, were frequently manufactured with asbestos due to the material’s insulating properties.

Household Products Containing Asbestos

There are two types of asbestos found in household products: Chrysotile asbestos, or white asbestos, and amosite asbestos, or brown asbestos. Both are toxic and can cause health problems from exposure.

Products With Asbestos-Contaminated Talc

Cosmetic products that contain asbestos-contaminated talc can pose health risks. Talcum powder is used in makeup products to prevent caking and create a consistent texture.

Talc is a naturally occurring mineral often found near asbestos caches. Talc, itself, is not hazardous. However, due to its proximity to asbestos deposits, asbestos fibers often end up interwoven with talc, and it’s common for the asbestos fibers to get processed into talc powder.  

Most famously, Johnson & Johnson produced its baby powder with asbestos-contaminated talc for decades without disclosing the contamination to the public. Hundreds of internal memos were made public by the New York Times, illustrating that Johnson & Johnson executives knew of the asbestos contamination. 

Johnson & Johnson finally changed its baby powder to a cornstarch-based formula in 2023 after a global movement and extensive investigation showed that the company’s product had strong ties to mesothelioma and ovarian cancer

Contaminated talc can be found in makeup products such as foundation, eyeshadow, lipstick, and setting powder. It has even been used in toy makeup sets for children

Without testing, it’s impossible to tell if a talc-based product contains asbestos fibers. The Food & Drug Administration tests talc products for asbestos yearly but only checks about 50 samples out of millions of products annually. The only way to ensure your safety is to avoid talc-based products altogether.

Asbestos in Appliances

Some appliances contain asbestos in insulation or heating elements, which may release fibers when the appliance is in use. These appliances include:

While the use of asbestos in appliances has become increasingly rare due to health concerns, the material is still present in many older appliances.

Products With Loose Asbestos Fibers

Products with loose fibers can pose a significant asbestos exposure risk because these fibers can become airborne when the product deteriorates or is disturbed. Some household products that have contained loose asbestos fibers include the following:

Asbestos in Paper Products

Some paper products were historically manufactured with materials containing asbestos. Paper products containing asbestos have included home and art supplies, such as textured paint, and dense paperboards, such as millboards.

Other Asbestos Products Found in the Home

You can also find asbestos in personal care products, toys, and much more.

Personal Care Products Containing Asbestos

Personal care products that contain asbestos have historically included talc-containing items.

In addition to cosmetic products, some personal care products are known to contain asbestos, including:

Asbestos in Toys and Other Products for Children

Children’s exposure to asbestos is particularly alarming, as they are more sensitive to smaller amounts of fibers. Unfortunately, many toys and other kids’ products have tested positive for asbestos.

While regulations in many countries have prohibited asbestos in toys and children’s products, some children’s items still contain the material, particularly products imported from regions with less stringent regulations. 

For example, the United States has plenty of regulations restricting the use of asbestos. Asbestos is considered a hazardous substance, and its use is reportable by law. Businesses must disclose when they produce asbestos-containing products but don’t always test for contamination. 

Additionally, it’s very common for products to be outsourced to overseas manufacturing hubs, where the restrictions on asbestos use are much looser or nonexistent. Thus, products manufactured in such countries may contain asbestos.

In addition, vintage or secondhand products pre-dating the regulations may contain asbestos.

You may find asbestos in the following children’s products:

Parents and caregivers must be vigilant when selecting toys and products for children and ensure they meet current safety standards.

Other Products Containing Asbestos

Other household products containing asbestos can include:

Companies Associated With Asbestos Consumer Goods

Johnson & Johnson wasn’t the only consumer goods company to become famous for an asbestos scandal. Other companies whose products have been found to contain asbestos include:

How To Handle and Dispose of Consumer Goods Containing Asbestos

Handling and disposing of consumer goods containing asbestos requires careful and safe procedures to minimize the risk of asbestos exposure.

Handling Asbestos-Containing Consumer Goods

For your safety, always use these procedures when handling goods that could contain asbestos:

Disposing of Asbestos-Containing Consumer Goods

You should never try to dispose of asbestos-containing products without consulting a trained professional. There are serious health risks inherent in the removal and disposal of asbestos. 

A professional will follow these procedures to dispose of asbestos:

Compensation for Exposure to Asbestos Products

Sieben Polk P.A. has served clients injured by asbestos-containing materials for over 50 years. We’ve won over $840 million in compensation for Minnesota residents harmed by asbestos exposure. 

For instance, our liability attorneys have recovered a $5 million settlement for a Minnesota pipe fitter exposed to asbestos-containing materials. We also won over $8 million for a client exposed to asbestos after working as a pipefitter at a refinery. Those are just two of many multi-million dollar settlements that we’ve been able to score for our clients. We have also secured top results in wrongful death claims for families who lost loved ones to asbestos-related illnesses. 

Contact one of our skilled mesothelioma attorneys to determine if you’re eligible for compensation.

We’re Here To Help You Get the Compensation You Deserve

Asbestos-related injuries can be time-sensitive. Don’t wait. Contact us online or at 651-369-4841 for a free consultation. You don’t pay us unless we obtain compensation for your claim.

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Our Eagan, MN Office
Mesothelioma Case Results
An $8,050,000 jury verdict in 2001 on behalf of a pipefitter exposed to asbestos at a refinery.
In 2021, Sieben Polk attorneys recovered over $5,000,000.00 before trial for a retired Minneapolis pipe fitter in a lawsuit against manufacturers of asbestos-containing equipment such as steam traps, boilers, pipe covering, pumps, valves and gaskets, as well as defective protective masks.
A $4,600,000 jury award in March 2008 for a Northern States Power Company (NSP) worker in a case against a gasket manufacturer, affirmed by Minnesota appellate courts on appeal.
A $4,600,000 jury award in 2014 on behalf of a retired certified public account who spent one summer in the late 1950s working as an asbestos insulator.
A verdict of more than $4,000,000 obtained with co-counsel against a manufacturer of asbestos-containing pipe covering on behalf of a client who developed mesothelioma after working with the product for only a few months in the late 1950s while building a power plant.
A recovery of $3,000,000 in the case of a retired Twin Cities pipefitter who was diagnosed with mesothelioma in 2019 after being exposed to asbestos from the early 1970s through the 1980s. The total was recovered on behalf of this retired worker and his wife.
A recovery of more than $2,000,000 on behalf of a northern Iowa plastic molding business owner in a case against manufacturers and suppliers of various resin materials.
A recovery of $2,000,000.00 on behalf of a local brewery power plant turbine operator who developed mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos throughout his career.
A recovery of $1,400,000 on behalf of a laborer and pump mechanic at Butler Taconite and National Steel Pellet in Nashuwauk and Keewatin, Minnesota. The client suffered from malignant mesothelioma.
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